Przykładowe tematy omawiane na szkoleniu
- Difference between OOP and Functional Programming
- OOP and FP real word examples
- Exploring the OOP concepts
- Types of JavaScript functions
- Object creation - object literal, Object.create(), constructor function, class
- Factory pattern
- typeof vs instanceof, duck typing
- ‘This’ in JavaScript
- Binding the context
- Prototypal chain
- prototype and Object.setPrototypeOf()
- Function constructors and prototypes
- ES6 classes and prototypes
- Closures and module pattern
- Encapsulation and classes
- Methods, static methods and polymorphism
- Composition over inheritance
- Dependency Injection
- Calling constructor functions (constructor composition pattern)
- The hidden advantage of class methods
- ES6 class mixins (dynamic inheritance)
- and abstract class pattern
- Thinking in an OOP way
- Proxy, Reflect
- property descriptors